नेपाल पारवहन तथा गोदाम व्यवस्था कम्पनी लिमिटेड
Nepal Transit & Warehousing Co. Ltd.
(नेपाल सरकारको पूर्ण स्वामित्व भएको)
मुद्धती निक्षेपमा लगानी सम्बन्धी सूचना । सूची दर्ता सम्बन्धी सूचना । मुद्धति निक्षेपमा लगानी सम्बन्धी सूचना । Financial Statement of Fiscal Year 2079/080. TOR for Consultancy Service (Waterways) मुद्धति निक्षेपमा लगानी सम्बन्धी सूचना । बैकल्पिक उम्मेदवारले नियुक्ति लिन आउने बारे TOR of RFP (Logistics and Supply Chain Expert). त्रिभुवन अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थल कार्गो गोदाम शुल्क । लिलाम बढाबढ गरी सवारी साधन लिलाम बिक्रि गर्ने सम्बन्धी दरभाउपत्र आह्वान । सूची दर्ता सम्बन्धी सूचना



Radhikapur, North Dinajpur, West Bengal, India
Tell: 0091-3522-352162
E-mail : radhikapur@nepaltransit.com

The Sub branch Radhikapur at North Dinajpur, Radhikapur, India was established in 1978 under the control of Kolkata Branch Office. This transit route was allowed to cater service with and through Bangladesh in accordance with the treaty signed between Nepal and Bangladesh.

Main Function
  • Clearing forwarding of Nepalese Imports and exports which move by Railway through Bangladesh.
  • Guarantee undertaking services for Nepalese cargoes in transit.

The exports and imports of Government goods were not routed from this point for the last few years. However movement of goods through this sector is expected to improve after the completion of the broad gauge conversion of railway line which is in process of construction.

Radhikapur (Indo-Bangladesh Border)

To provide facilities for import and export traffics of Nepal to/from Bangladesh and via Bangladesh, NTWC has established its Sub-Branch Office at Radhikapur border point and is rendering Undertaking and Clearing services through this Office. This sub Branch Office is also under the control of the Branch Office, Kolkata.